At Surrey automotive, our showroom is exclusively online. Which creates several benefits, we are very flexible with time and location of test drives. So, if you are finding it difficult to make time during the workday, no problem.
We can arrange a test drive at any time of day and even Sundays.
Not having an expensive showroom dramatically reduces our costs and those savings are passed directly to you, without sacrificing quality or quantity of the services we provide. All our vehicles come with three months Handler Protect Gold standard warranty (Options to extend) and at least six months MOT.
Every vehicle is thoroughly safety checked by our highly qualified technicians and serviced to schedule.
New to Stock
Active £5,250
Match Bluemotion Tech £9,495
Lounge £4,200
Match Bluemotion Tech £9,749
Active £4,295
With over 20 years experience in the motor trade, we have provided Surrey and the surrounding areas with the highest possible automotive services. Surrey Automotive Ltd provides a wide range of vehicle purchasing options nationwide. Whether its two or four wheels, Supermini or Supercar, we’re sure to have something in stock to meet everyone’s needs. Ready to set up a test drive? Stop by Surrey Automotive Ltd and get in the driver’s seat today.